Our Solution



KMG Ethiopia uses community conversations to enhance communities’ capacities and as the primary vehicles for change. We believe that people have the power to make their own decisions in order to find solutions to their communities’ issues, and that they have the power to change their own lives for the better.

We also strongly believe that true change comes from within, and the engagement of communities in creating a more inclusive society is the key to long term sustainable development.

KMG Ethiopia’s integrated programs compliment and inform each other, turning the negative cycle of suppression and oppression into a positive cycle of empowerment and active citizenship.




Our health programs encompass critical areas for women and girls, including maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention and control, and other gender based violence against girls and women.

We also implement programs like sports for social inclusion to build girls’ confidence and capacities for leadership, and create uncircumcised girl groups to enhance mutual support and become a social force in their communities, safeguarding the bodily integrity of these girls and ensuring freedom from FGM.  


 Gender-Based Violence, Human Rights & Social Accountability

We must help eliminate violence against women and girls, like FGM, bride abduction, child marriage, forced marriage and domestic violence. In order to do so, we teach women about their rights and provide them with support and the tools they need to exercise them. In this way, we partner with women, girls and communities at large to achieve equal status and human dignity.




Environment & Climate Change Litigation 

Environmental regeneration is imperative to ease the burden of women, who are often the primary providers of food, water and fuel for their families. Our program centers on rehabilitation, the regeneration of watershed mountains that have been degraded, the development of community nursery sites, and soil and water conservation.



Education is one of the primary vehicles to opening up future opportunities. We work with schools, parents, churches and mosques to raise awareness of the importance of educating girls. We create access to education in remote areas by building Alternative Basic Education Centers, and we also build additional classrooms, and supply furniture, equipment and materials to improve the teaching and learning environment. We give school materials support to children from poorer families and build the families’ assets so that they can continue to send their children to school. Beyond this, we implement tutorial programs in elementary and high schools to build girls’ competitive capacities and sponsor girls from impoverished families to pursue higher education.


Livelihood & Economic Empowerment

We work to build the capacity of women, girls and other community members to create an economically viable society. In order to achieve this goal, KMG Ethiopia creates access to entrepreneurship, cooperative development, vocational training, credit and savings schemes, training on organizational management, banking and book-keeping and improved production technology, asset building and women’s household resource management and control.


Infrastructure Development

Improving infrastructure improves the well-being of entire communities –but especially rural women, so that they can perform their daily tasks with greater ease and safety. We invest in development like rural roads, bridge construction, potable water sources, enhancing springs and exploring alternative energy sources like biogas digesters and fuel saving stoves.