Our Impact

Since our founding, we have brought lasting, positive change to the lives of Ethiopian women—which importantly bolsters the well-being of entire communities. We have transformed attitudes about issues that are culturally taboo, opening conversations about these difficult topics and changing the attitudes and behavior of both men and women in a positive way.

Because of KMG Ethiopia’s actions, Ethiopian women are walking with their heads up, demanding and receiving justice, being appointed and elected to public positions, and establishing their own militias to protect their rights and those of their daughters.



The rate of FGM in KMG operational areas decreased from nearly 100% in 1999 to 3% in 2008


We’ve empowered marginalized artisan communities, considered untouchables, to gain human rights, human entitlement and their dignity


We helped build 10 rural bridges, 7 wells and enhanced 5 springs


We built a Mother & Child Health Center, the only one of its kind in the region



We set up a school that is now managed by the local Kembatta community



Over 9 million indigenous trees have been planted on Hambaricho Mountain, a vital watershed in the region


We’ve empowered people living with HIV & AIDS, especially women, and have connected them with AIDS orphans and their respective communities


Communities now make social sanctions and self-monitor adherence to bans on practices like FGM, child marriage, bride, abduction, polygamy, widow inheritance and domestic violence.

Local courts now have a special bench and dedicate at least 2 days to hear only women cases; some districts devote 5 days, with female judges, and have mobile courts on weekends.


Our Awards

KMG is increasingly being recognized by national and international
entities for its contributions to the empowerment of women in the fight against gender-based discrimination and violence. Among the fifteen major recognitions are the following:

  • The Spanish National Committee for UNICEF’s International Award for 2015

  • The King Baudouin Foundation African Development Prize, 2012-13, May 22, 2013, Brussels, Belgium ( Video: Click Here )

  • The Bruno Kreisky Prize for Services for Human Rights, June, 2013; Vienna, Austria

  • Jean Rey, International Prize, October 24, 2013, Brussels, Belgium

  • The French Government Human Rights and Sustainable Development Award, Dec. 2012, Paris, France

  • Ethiopian Federal Democratic Republic President’s Green Award on Environment and Climatic Change Mitigation, 2009

  • France’s Chevalier De La Legion D’honneur, 2007

  • The Jonathan Mann Health and Human Rights Award at the Global Health Council, Washington DC, USA, 2007

  • The Larissa Pan African Award at the African Child Policy Forum, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, Dec. 2007

  • The North-South Award of the Council of Parliament of Europe 2005